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María Jodar-Reverte1, María José Paredes-Ruiz1, Vicente Ferrer-Lopez1, Ignacio Martínez-González-Moro1

1University of Murcia, University Institute for Researching Aging, Murcia, Spain

Determining Factors of Physical Performance in an Exercise Stress Test in Women Practicing Nordic Walking

Sport Mont 2020, 18(3), 3-6 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.201006


The goal of this research is the Analyse the influence of age, experience and relative fat mass (RFM) on physical performance in women practising Nordic Walking during maximal treadmill exercise testing. The population was formed of 20 women, who underwent a maximum stress test with continuous electrocardiographic recording. The Bruce protocol on the ramp was modified with progressive increases in speed and incline. In addition, we measured their height, weight, and waist. A study of exhaled gases was carried out. Our population has an average RFM of 39.8±2.9. Experience subjects reach higher levels of intensity during the exercise, with a variable speed of 6.4±0.9 km/h, compared to newcomers at 5.6±0.7 km/h (p<0.05). We observe that with higher RFM, higher body mass index (BMI) and waist size index, there is a lower oxygen consumption (VO2) and metabolic equivalent (METS) (p<0.05). Likewise, a longer time increases both VO2 and METS (p<0.05). The results suggest that the indexes and anthropometric relationships RFM, BMI, and waist-size index (WSI) influence performance in women practising Nordic Walking. In addition, previous experience in this discipline is also an influential factor in the intensity of the exercise.


ergospirometry, nordic walking, aerobic resistance, older women

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