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Zoya Semenovna Varfolomeeva1, Daria Andreevna Kozyreva1, Maria Leonidovna Beresneva1

1Cherepovets State University, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Cherepovets, Russia

Attitudes towards Doping in Adolescent Athletes


Sport Mont 2023, 21(1), 65-69 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.230211


This transversal study assessed the opinions of young athletes in martial arts regarding doping. The study involved 59 young adolescents performing judo and sambo at the Vologda region sport schools of the Russian Federation (average age=11.8±0.61 years old). The diagnostic was performed using a questionnaire. The respondents expressed their degree of agreement with 12 statements regarding the problem of doping and the use of illegal drugs in sports. Responses were assessed based on the 4-point Likert scale, and the sum of the points was interpreted in terms of the level of the value component of the anti-doping culture. This study showed that the respondents understand the importance of the doping problem for the modern international sports movement. However, a significant number of respondents tend to believe that without doping, sports competitions become less spectacular, and victory “at any cost” is still a victory. Our findings are of practical value for selecting content and methods for anti-doping education of young athletes before the beginning of their typical competitive experience.


anti-doping education, young athletes, martial arts, values, axiological approach

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