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Sefket Krcic1

1Forum univerzitetskih nastavnika - Novi Pazar



Sport Mont 2005, III(6-7), 425-430


The author of this work, from sociological aspect is inquire a problem of communication in sport and public. Priority point of text, is based on a view of ethnic appropriate resource public information and thinking moral things and publishing appropriate, through which the truth come out about sports results, worths and sport life. Of course, notional and standard necessity obligated the books about sport and its completion and correlative with system of society value.In this way, in front of explorer is an fundamentional ethic category, by which sports organizations support different prejudice and violence. For this thesis, writer of this application dispos present facts and argument that show and evidence speciment of a lot of negative appearance,which disorganize ethnic sport dimension, whose symbol is consist from three words: youth, beauty and nice. The mentioned notionals are defended by human idea moral and freedom. Therefore, if we want human society we must have human and tolerante sport in all disciplines that existence. On contrary, we will have a society without moral ,and a society without real sport.In that sense, to purpose the sucsesfull manifestations, that follow on hundred direct spectators and million by media, its nessesery for society built relevant parameter, which can by its value system obligated all society makers, to enjoy in sport and not to disorganize, as it happened very often. Further, in his work author start from more lows of existed different models of moral, on identity built sportsman and fun, about forming advice and mind at subjects. For one hight society, that is based on mind,its nessesery to search and publish creative sport literature,which would based on love and feeling duties. It is one of main ways how young people easy be controlled, especially on showing emotional feelings during the sport manifestations. Because of it ethic sport books are very important for mortily all criminals and defective on sport life, especially in unable of raid ill messages of this time, as drugs, narcotic, dopi, prostitucion, alcohol ets. In different views advisedly of this fenomen is needed that all subjects in sport, to cultivate feelings of perfectly beauty. Without dubt, literature instigate ethic perfection, that are built by habbits and which became part of human ability and their sport levitation. Therefore social find are very important in treatment ethic problem our sport event which has first class character, either in education either literacy seans in creation of better and goody future.



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