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Slavko Obadov1

1Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Novi Sad



Sport Mont 2007, V(12-13-14), 755-761


Re sults in sports with polystruc tu ral acyclic mo ve ments, in which tec hni cal charac te ri stics are pre do mi nant, are in clo se re la ti on ship with se lec tion of a pro per tec hnique af fec ting to a gre at ex tent the ac hi e ve ment of the de si red re sults. Ju do sport with abo ut 100 ba sic tec hni qu es, which can be ap plied in sports fi ght in se ve ral ways, are go ver ned by morp ho lo gi cal cha rac te ri stics of the fi g hters, the ir motor abi li ti es, as well as by the ir cog ni ti ve and con na ti ve cha rac te ri stics. Du ring the pro cess of le ar ning, espe ci ally advan ce ment in the de si red tec hni que, met hod of advan ce ment in this tec hni que is ex tre mely im por tant. One of the most ef fi ci ent ju do tec hni qu es in hand thro wing is Tai Otos hi. Ba sed on the mo ni to ring of ju do com pe ti tors in the re gion of Ser bia and wi der, it may be conclu ded that this tec hni que has rat her low usa ge. It must al so be no ted that fi g hters most of ten apply this tec hni que in cor rectly which af fects the ef fi ci ency of the per for man ce it self.


judo, method, errors, correcten try

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