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Manuela Valentini1, Cristina Bernardini1, Alessandro Beretta1, Gaetano Raiola2

1University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Department of Humanistic Studies, Urbino, Italy
2University of Salerno, Department of Human, Philosophical and Education, Salerno, Italy

Movement and Language Development as an Early Childhood Twin Strategy: A Systematic Review

Sport Mont 2018, 16(3), 107-112 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.181019


In this review, a critical reading of the literary and scientific production focused on the themes of the body, movement and language learning was carried out, with particular consideration given to alternative teaching methods that use movement to favour the cognitive process. After searching the databases of Pub Med, PsycInfo, Sport Discus, Psyc Articles and Eric electronic, the choice was narrowed down to 8 international scientific studies with publication dates ranging between the years 1999 and 2017 concerning pre-school subjects between 2 and 5 years of age, excluding those regarding other target users and/or particular characteristics such as pathologies, obesity, and nutrition. All of these studies analysed the benefits of motor activity on language, communication, learning and academic performance. Of the 7 filtered studies, 4 examine the specific relationship between motor activity and language, while the other 3 between language and general academic performance. Through the analysis of the filtered reports and some of the bibliographical references used, we conclude that motor activity positively influences language, attention and concentration of the pupils in this age range, with effects on academic performance. Furthermore, it also improves motor skills as a result of decreased sedentary behaviour.


movement, language, learning, pre-school

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