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Meltem Ince Yenilmez1, Onur Burak Celik2

1Yasar University, Department of Economics, Izmir, Turkey
2University of Hartford, Department of Economics, Finance and Insurance, Hartford, Connecticut (United States)

The Difference between Male and Female Sport Participation in Turkey: “Determination Always Finds a Way”

Sport Mont 2020, 18(2), 107-112 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.200601


The fight for gender equality throughout the world should be acknowledged and properly represented in society. This is all the more important in the sporting world with a further emphasis on the everyday Turkish woman. The rapid rise in female participation in sport in Turkey over the last ten years indicates a rise in the status of women in sport as well as several other areas. However, it should be acknowledged that there is a clear gap with regards to how men and women participate in sport. The varying physical composition of women in comparison to their male counterparts and also the varying level of expectations society places on both male and female participation in sport limits the level of success women derive from actively participating in sport activities. This paper will examine the origin, concepts, and historical background of women in sport in Turkey. At the same time, it will evaluate the current situation while also taking into consideration future developments relating to female participation, leadership, and sport media.


sport, women, female athletes, gender discrimination

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