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Dimitris Daniil1, Katerina Papadimitriou1, Anestis Giannakopoulos1, Ioannis Ispirlidis1, Giorgos Mavridis1

1Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Komotini, Greece

Analysis of the Offensive Tactics Used by High-Level Basketball Players of Different Age Groups

Sport Mont 2023, 21(2), 117-122 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.230718


The rapid and continuous development of basketball has necessitated the long-term training of young basketball players, enabling them to meet the ever-changing demands of the sport. The aim of the present study was to record the offensive competitive behaviour of men and boys by analysing world championship matches in order to determine whether the choice of tactics in them depended on the age category they belonged to. The sample of the research consisted of 2,997 actions performed by basketball national teams in Men’s (seniors) and juniors’ World Championships. The juniors’ category includes athletes 14-15 years old (U16). Offenses were recorded with the Sportscout game observation software. The recorded parameters are the following: age group, types of initiating an offense, offensive tactics, type of offensive, attacking from the perimeter & from inside the paint, screening in offense, pick and roll in offense, offensive inbound plays, inbound position, attack efficiency, shooter, shooting area/ position. Summarizing, the juniors’ group showed a higher percentage in offenses fast breaks, in motion offense, in the attacks that were starting after a steal and an offensive rebound. In addition means’ group had higher percentage in inside game and in pick and roll. Αccording to the above the offensivetactics depended significantly on the age group. This confirms the tendency of coaches to use continuity offences in order to train young athletes in all competitive positions rather than in a single one. Their next step would be to adopt the defensive transition tactic, found to have been adopted by the men’s group.


performance analysis, match analysis, basketball tactics, senior and juniors athletes

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