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Pasqualina Forte1,2, Elisa Pugliese1,2, Antinea Ambretti1, Cristiana D’Anna1

1Pegaso University, Faculty for Human Sciences, Napoli, Italy
2University of Camerino, School of Advanced Studies, Camerino, Italy

Physical Education and Embodied Learning: A Review

Sport Mont 2023, 21(3), 129-134 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.231020


Recent neuroscientific research highlighted interesting interactions between superior cognitive functions and the sensorimotor system. Overcoming the traditional views of the philosophy of mind and cognitive sciences, current empirical evidence shows that bodily states are the basis of information processing and that incarnation contributes to various aspects of mental phenomena. Starting from this theoretical framework, the purpose of this contribution is to outline, through exposure to the most significant discoveries in the world of neuroscience, the importance of Embodied Cognition as an emerging vision that considers the cognitive processes deeply rooted in the interaction of the body with the world. After careful selection and analysis of studies on neuroscience applied to teaching, the study focused on those who experienced in the school context embodied-teaching approaches aiming to promote transversal learning through movement and corporeality in action and interaction. The analysis highlights the strengths and critical points of the studies implemented in recent decades that focus on the integration and transversality of the body in learning. This is to understand whether embodied learning environments involving all spheres of personality can foster perception, knowledge, and conscious action in teaching and learning processes. An important result from the overview is the potential of theory in different educational environments and disciplines. The contemporary theoretical framework highlights the great potential of corporeality and physical education as actors in learning, but at the same time place in the foreground the need to experiment and disseminate new teaching approaches and perspectives.


neuroscience, corporeality, embodied learning, physical education, teaching-learning process, transversal skills

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