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Ana Cordellat1, Cristina Blasco-Lafarga1, Pablo Monteagudo1, Ainoa Roldán1, MCarmen Velasco2

1University of Valencia, Physical Education and Sports Department, Valencia, Spain
2University of Valencia, Physiotherapist Department, Valencia, Spain

Balance Changes in Trained and Untrained Elderly Undergoing a Five-Months Multicomponent Training Program

Sport Mont 2016, 14(3), 25-29


Balance is a main focus of elderly activity programs which can be assessed by functional tests or stabilometry platforms. Our study aims to compare balance-changes in trained (TRA) and untrained (UNT) elderly following a 5-month Multi-Component Training Program (MCTP), twice a week, one hour per day. 10 TRA (>2-years) and 9 UNT (first year) performed the Romberg´s test (Open-Eyes 30 seconds/Closed-Eyes 30 seconds ratio) on a stabilometry platform (BT4, Hur Labs). COP displacement (Trace Length: TL) and sway area (C90) were registered twice PRE (1&2), POST (3&4) and 3 months later (Detraining: 5&6) the EFAM-UV© program, a Cognitive MCTP based on gait training and Dual-Task neuromuscular proposals in enriched environments. Regarding Open-Eyes, Bonferroni post-hoc comparisons showed significant group-differences in TL for 1, 2, 5 & 6 sample conditions, and a slight trend toward significance in C90 1&5. TL also showed significant group-differences in Closed-Eyes 1, 5 & 6, while C90 only in 5 & 6 Closed-Eyes. Balance indicators TL and C90 show a different way regarding the training status. A 5-month MCTP reduces differences, but detraining quickly affects UNT. Although effective, short multicomponent interventions could lead to early worsening, so the ratio training-detraining might be considered in untrained elderly population.


stabilometry, Romberg test, ratio training-detraining

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