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Petra Pacesova1, Pavel Smela1, Stanislav Kracek1, Jana Plevkova1

1Comenius University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Bratislava, Slovakia

Women’s Well-Being, State and Trait Anxiety Regarding their Sport Activity

Sport Mont 2018, 16(2), 33-38 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.180606


The aim of the paper is to identify the level of women’s wellbeing regarding their sport activity, whereby we assume that athletes will have a higher level of wellbeing. The second aim is to determine the relationship between the individual dimensions of wellbeing and the level of state anxiety and trait anxiety. The research group consists of 107 women (20.03±1.47 years), divided into groups based on their sport activity (active 62, inactive 45). We used the standardized BDP questionnaire to determine the level of wellbeing. We used the standardized STAI questionnaire to determine the level of anxiety. We recorded a higher value of personal well-being in the sample of women actively participating in sport activities. In both the samples, we found an indirect relation between positive dimensions of personal well-being and state anxiety (in the case of the sample of women not participating in any sport activity even with trait anxiety). A direct relation between the negative dimensions of wellbeing and the level of state as well as trait anxiety was recorded only in the sample of women not participating in any sport activity. Our results correspond with other findings which suggest that regular sport activity increases the level of women´s personal well-being. In the same time, our results partially correlate with research according to which state anxiety and trait anxiety tends to influence subjective personal well-being negatively. Our findings indicate that sport activity can be a suitable instrument to increase women´s personal well-being.


well- being, anxiety state, anxiety trait, sport activity, women

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