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Jana Nová1

1Masaryk University, Faculty of Sport Studies, Brno, Czech Republic

Using the Concept of Sports Business Intelligence in Evaluating Sport Policies

Sport Mont 2018, 16(2), 73-76 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.180613


In 2017 the author conducted an audit of the relevant policy documents on sport and physical activity in 14 Czech regions and cities with the number of inhabitants above 50 thousand. Furthermore, the data was collected from the phone survey conducted on the topic of monitoring physical activity and the well-being of the population.Respondents/sample file in this survey were heads of the sports departments in cities with 50 000 or more inhabitants and heads of the sports departments in Czech regions. The results from this qualitative and quantitative study focus on the utilization of programme budgeting principles and Sports Business Intelligence in a national context, providing the base for a comparison with other countries and proposing the way towards effective and efficient usage of the key performance indicators for sports policies evaluation.


sports policy, programme budgeting, sports business intelligence, key performance indicators

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