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Kang-Won You1

1Jeonju University, Department of Sports Coaching, Jeonju, Korea

Differences in an Organization’s Cultural Functions between High and Low-Performance University Soccer Teams

Sport Mont 2020, 18(3), 83-88 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.201003


The purpose of this study was to analyse the differences in cultural functions between high- and low-performance university soccer teams in South Korea. First, this study focused on the cultural functions of university soccer teams, such as managing change, achieving goals, coordinated teamwork, and cultural strength. Second, each cultural function of university soccer teams was investigated in relation to team performance. Using random cluster sampling, 316 players from four high- and four low-performing university soccer teams registered with the Korean Football Association (KFA) participated in the study. The Organizational Culture Assessment Questionnaire (OCAQ, Sashkin, 2001) was used as an instrument to measure the organization’s cultural functions. The results of the study showed that there were significant differences in cultural functions between high- and low-performance teams. High-performance teams were good at adapting changes in their environment, were effective in achieving goals, had coherent and aligned goals and shared values, and agreed on those values. It can be concluded that cultural functions are strong factors that make a difference in team performance.


cultural functions, team performance, OCAQ, university soccer teams

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