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Alessandro Nota1, Goran Kuvacic2, Maha Sellami3, Andrea De Giorgio4

1Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and IRCCS San Raffele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy
2University of Split, Faculty of Kinesiology, Split, Croatia
3Qatar University, College of Education, Physical Education department, Doha, Qatar
4eCampus University, Department of Psychology, Novedrate, Italy

Reviewing the Relationship between Physiology of Breathing and Physical Activity in Anxiety Disorders

Sport Mont 2021, 19(3), 123-133 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.211013


The possible influence of the quality of breathing on physical activity remains the subject of numerous scien- tific studies in different fields, including not only the most basic physiological and biological concepts but also the fields of psychiatry, psychology, and neuroscience. The literature about the relationship between breathing and psychophysiological factors is continuously growing, and several studies have investigated the influence of breathing techniques on human beings. This review aims to give a literature overview of the respiratory function impact on psychopathology, taking into account anxiety disorders, physical activity, and the relationship be- tween them. Literature investigating different topics involving the influence of breathing on anxiety disorders, the influence of breathing on physical activity and related anxiety disorders showed an association between them even if this relationship is not well clarified. Regular physical activity could become even a primary or pref- erential treatment. Relaxation techniques, as well as motor visualization, mindfulness, and even oral appliances, could help people improve their general condition with the improvement of the control of their psychophysical performance. Further literature with different physical activities and experiences regarding psychodynamic treat- ments could assume a new scenario.


mindfulness, relaxation techniques, panic disorder, psychopathology

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