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Olha Borysova1, Viktoriia Nagorna1, Pavlenko Iurii1, Svitlana Shutova1, Artur Mytko1, Olha Shlonska1, Angelina Peretyatyko1, Maryna Tkachenko1, Ruslana Sushko2

1National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Sport Games Department, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, The Faculty of Health, Physical Training and Sports, Kyiv, Ukraine

Psychological Readiness of Elite and Well-Trained Billiard Players for the Main Competitions of the Macrocycle

Sport Mont 2021, 19(S2), 101-106 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.210917


Planning of integral preparation for athletes of national billiard teams should be carried out comprehensively, taking into account the level of psychological preparedness of players for the main competitions of the mac- rocycle. The aim of the study is to determine the model indicators of elite billiards players` psychological readi- ness for the main competitions of the macrocycle. Research methods: to analyse and generalize special scientific and methodological literature, surveys, psychological, pedagogical, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: our study allows us to determine the model characteristics of the athletes` psychological preparedness during competitive stress and to assess the billiard players` mental state before and after undergoing a course of auto- genic training. The psychological parameters` dynamic of the billiard players` functional state such as "mental activation", "interest", "emotional tone", "tension" and "comfort", which significantly correlates with the special preparedness of athletes for the main competitions of the macrocycle. Scientifically substantiated indicators of balance function with and without visual control, productivity, stress resistance, volume of voluntary attention, efficiency of attention, and coefficient of motivational, volitional and typological component of elite athletes who show high sports results at main competitions of macrocycle. The obtained data allows to improve the psycho- logical control system of athletes while taking into account their individual characteristics.


billiard players, psychological preparation, psychological preparedness, stressful situation

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