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Rút Lenková1

1University of Presov, Faculty of Sports, Department of Sports Kinanthropology, Presov, Slovakia

Health Benefits of Balance Exercises in Sport

Sport Mont 2021, 19(S2), 201-206 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.210934


The research was focused on the development of a deep stabilization system of female handball players by ap- plying balance exercises. The premise was to reduce the number of injuries in the context of the development of the bodily core. The study involved 17 first-league female handball players (N=17 females, age 16.1±1.89 years; weight: 54.9±3.85 kg, height: 1.66±0.03 m, BMI: 20.34±1.41 kg/m2). Following the assessment of the condition of the deep stabilization system, designed intervention programs was designed for core development. Female handball players completed 12 training units with balance equipment. The effects of the balance exercises on injury incidence were assessed comparing the number of injuries during the season and after its completion. Evaluation of the effectiveness of balance exercises revealed the development of the deep stabilization system (p<0.05). The injury reduction in the context of the core development was not statistically significant. There was a significant reduction in the number of injuries with a loss of time greater than seven days (p<0.05). This study raised the awareness of its participants about understanding the relationship between the deep stabilization system level and injury prevention.


sport games, handball, core training, body building, injury prevention

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