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Matej Voglar1, Anja Grandovec1, Rok Vatovec1

1University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Izola, Slovenia

Effects of Foam Rolling on Strength and Flexibility of Hamstring Muscles

Sport Mont 2022, 20(3), 81-85 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.221013


Purpose: Foam rolling is frequently implemented in warm-up prior to an exercise session. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the acute effects of a short bout of foam rolling on maximal knee flexion strength along with active and passive hamstring flexibility. Methods: Fourteen healthy young participants were included in this within-subject randomized controlled trial. After warm-up a short bout (two sets of 60 s) of foam rolling was performed on the intervention leg (counterbalanced leg dominance) while the contralateral leg was used as a control. Measurement of peak knee flexion torque and hamstring passive and active range of motion were performed on both sides in counterbalanced order. An analysis of variance was conducted to evaluate differences between the two groups. Results: Our results did not show significant differences between the intervention and control leg for any of the assessed parameters. Conclusion: The main findings are that a short bout of foam rolling does not affect maximal knee flexion strength and that the foam rolling intervention does not further affect flexibility although hamstring passive flexibility increases following a warm-up. Based on our results we conclude that short bouts of foam rolling can be used prior to exercise, as they have no deleterious effect on muscle performance. Foam rolling before exercise should be recommended solely based on individual preference.


eccentric hamstring strength, isokinetic hamstring strength, hip range of motion, knee range of motion

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