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Demeku Akalu Wondem1, Zelalem Melkamu Tegegne1

1Bahir Dar University, Department of Sport Science, Sports Academy, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Effect of Concurrent Strength and Endurance Training on Distance Running Performances in Well-Trained Athletes

Sport Mont 2023, 21(3), 101-107 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.231016


Athletes competing in distance competitions have used a combination of aerobic and anaerobic training approaches to train and enhance the performance-determining elements. Nevertheless, few studies have reported data related to the effect of concurrent training on well-trained distance (3,000 m – 10,000 m) runners. Because of limited evidence available for this population, this study aimed to investigate the effect of concurrent strength and endurance training on distance running performance. A randomized study was conducted. Thirty-nine distance runners (16.62±0.71 years) were randomly assigned into the endurance training group (ETG; n=13), strength training group (STG; n=13), and concurrent training group (CTG; n=13). The 12 weeks of training in which each group trained 3 times a week. The participants were tested on 1RM squat test, push-up test, VO2 max, and 5-km time trial. Findings showed that STG significantly higher than ETG enhancements on 1RMsquat (p<0.001) and push-up (p<0.001) and STG significantly higher than CTG enhancements on 1RM squat (p<0.001), push up (p=0.045). ETG results were significantly better than those obtained by STG on VO2 max (p=0.002) and 5-km time trial (p=0.004). Finally, the improvements obtained by CTG were significantly higher than those attained by ETG on 1RM squat (p<0.001), push-up (p<0.001); VO2 max (p<0.001) and 5-km time trial (p=0.002). In conclusion, performing 12-week concurrent training program improves performance variables that can be obtained with strength and endurance training in long-distance running. Athletes can acquire strength and endurance adaptations by engaging in concurrent training regimens.


aerobic training, muscle strength, physiological performance, resistance training

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