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Damrah1, Willadi Rasyid1, Pitnawati1, Anton Komaini2, Deby Tri Mario3, Zulbahri1

1Universitas Negeri Padang, Department of Sports Education, Faculty of Sports Science, Indonesia
2Universitas Negeri Padang, Department of Health & Recreation, Faculty of Sports Science, Indonesia
3Universitas Negeri Padang, Doctoral Program of Sports Science, Faculty of Sports Science, Indonesia

Digital-Based E-module in Tennis Learning for Undergraduate Students in Sports Education

Sport Mont 2024, 22(1), 43-51 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.240207


Although many studies have examined the use of e-modules for physical education at school and university levels, very few explore the development of digital-based e-modules in tennis learning. This research aims to develop a digital-based e-module in tennis learning for undergraduate sports education students. It was conducted using the Research and Development (R&D) design by adopting the Plomp model. The model consists of preliminary research, prototyping, and assessment phases. This research invited 12 experts, consisting of 4 material experts, 4 language experts, and 4 media experts. The experts were professors and lecturers with profound expertise in their respective fields. This research also involved 35 sports education undergraduate students taking tennis courses, consisted of males (n=25) and females (n=10). The instrument was a Likert scale questionnaire. Validity testing was measured using Aiken’s V validity coefficient. The reliability was calculated using Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC), while product practicality was analyzed using percentages. The results show that the average product validity before and after revision was 0.790 (medium) and 0.904 (high), while the average reliability was 0.754 (high). In terms of practicality, the average was 89.71, which means the product is very practical. In conclusion, digital-based e-modules in tennis learning can be used for undergraduate sports education students. This research is expected to facilitate undergraduate sports education students, lecturers, and tennis practitioners to overcome limitations in teaching tennis. Future research is needed to test the product’s effectiveness by conducting an experimental design and comparing it with other groups.


content validity, instruments, technology, higher education

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