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Maria Giannousi1, Grigorios Masadis1, Nikolaos Vernadakis1, Charalampos Liakos1

1Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Komotini, Greece

Examining the Influence of Children and Parents’ Portable Device Use on Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity Levels

Sport Mont 2024, 22(1), 115-121 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.240216


The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between the usage of screen-based media devices by children and their parents and its influence on sedentary behavior and physical activity. A cohort of 43 parents with typically developing children aged 8 to 12 years was selected for the study, utilizing convenience sampling methods through social media platforms across Central Macedonia, Greece. Parents filled out a survey regarding their children and themselves, assessing daily portable device use, sedentary behavior, and physical activity. Two standard regression models were employed to examine how criterion variables (child portable device use in Model 1 and parent portable device use in Model 2) related to predictor variables: child age, child sex, child daily sedentary time, and child physical activity. The findings revealed a significant and positive association between child sedentary time and child portable device use. Similar, child sedentary time exhibited a significant and positive association with parent portable device use. Child age, sex, and physical activity did not show a significant relationship with either parent or child portable device use. In summary, there is a clear connection between child sedentary behavior and portable device use, whereas physical activity does not exhibit a significant relationship. This implies that young children who extensively use portable devices may be susceptible to adopting a sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, results suggest a potential correlation between adults’ portable device use and sedentary habits, which may be reflected in similar behavior in their children.


smartphone, tablet, physical activity, sedentary behavior, exercise, children

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