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Djordje Macvanin1

1Fakultet za menadžment u sportu, Univerzitet “Braća Karić”, Beograd



Sport Mont 2008, VI(15-16-17), 952


All people have reaction to stress, but owing to their specific business, managers are exposed to some of, so called, manage, diseases. The essential problems of these diseases are those related to circulation of blood, especially with arteries, which can cause a lot of organic problems. From the aspect of psychology, there is a faster work of hart and regardless the stressor being positive or negative. Total condition is under ifluence of adrenalin and cortisone, which help organism in suppy of energy. The present problem is that stress have psycho-mental origin, but in the past it was belived to be of physical character, so that energy instead of being used for physical activity, it remains stored in especially in arteries, because of insufficient consumption through physical activity, and failure to understand techniques of over coming stress.


Stress, health, manager diseases

Abstract (MNE)

Sve osobe reaguju na stres, ali menadžeri će zbog njihove specifičnosti, platiti ceh, sa nekom od tzv. «menadžerskih bolesti». Problemi sa srcem i krvnim sudovima, su bliži muškarcima, dok su žene više pogodjene mentalnim poteškoćama. U osnovi ovih bolesti su problemi sa cirkulacijom, tj. sa krvnim sudovima, posebno arterijama, koje mogu prouzrokovati niz organskih problema. Gledano fiziološki kada je stre pozitivan, ili negativan, u oba slučaja javlja se ubrzan rad srca i disanja, dolazi do povećanja šećera u krvi i oslobadjanja masnih kiselina. Kompletno stanje je pod uticajem adrenalina i kortizona, koji pomažu organizmu u snabdevanju neophodnom energijom. Problem današnjice je što je stres psihomentalnog porekla, dok je u prošlosti on bio fizički, tako da ova energija umesto da se troši pri fizičkom radu ostaje uskladištena posebno u arterijama, zbog nedovoljne fizičke aktivnosti i nepoznavanja tehnika, kako prevladati stres.

Keywords (MNE)

Stres, zdravlje, menadžerske bolesti

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